LAMPa Releases 2025-2027 Policy Agenda
The PA General Assembly runs on a biennial basis. LAMPa's Policy Council sets a policy agenda before each session begins and revises as necessary midway through the term. Below are the policy priorities and issue areas LAMPa will be focused on in as we begin this session. Other priorities
Take the LAMPa Network Survey
As we look forward to 2025 and beyond, LAMPa is ready to accompany you and our ELCA Lutheran ministries across the Commonwealth as we live into our baptismal call to strive for justice and peace. This biennial survey helps us discern where the Holy Spirit is leading us for public
Terry Koch named to Policy Council for Allegheny Synod
Bishop Paula Lebo of the Allegheny Synod of the ELCA has named Terry Koch to LAMPa's Policy Council. Koch will be taking up the mantle left by Susan Barclay as she finishes her term. Koch will begin his service on Policy Council at their annual retreat on September 22-24.
SEPA Synod Appoints Carl Hylton to LAMPa’s Policy Council
Bishop Patricia Davenport of the Southeastern Pennsylvania (SEPA) Synod has appointed Carl Hylton as the synod’s newest representative to the policy council. Hylton is a native of Kingston, Jamaica. He is one of six siblings, all of whom live in the United States. He is a graduate of Saint Aloysius
Upper Susquehanna Synod Appoints Rev. Justin Lingenfelter to LAMPa’s Policy Council
Bishop Craig Miller has appointed the Rev. Justin Lingenfelter to represent Upper Susquehanna Synod on LAMPa’s Policy Council. Lingenfelter serves as the pastor at United In Christ Lutheran Church in Lewisburg, PA and as the current interim pastor for Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lewisburg. Justin and his wife,
LAMPa Welcomes SWPA Synod Rep., Rev. Eric Damon, to Policy Council
Bishop Kurt Kusserow, of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, has appointed the Rev. Eric Damon to LAMPa’s Policy Council. Damon is the pastor of Grace and Emmanuel Lutheran Churches in Manorville and Ford City, where he lives with his wife, younger daughter, dog, cats, and chickens. His older daughter still
SWPA Synod Appoints Amy Kelly to LAMPa’s Policy Council
This week, Bishop Kurt Kusserow of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod appointed seminarian Amy Kelly to fulfill the policy council seat left vacant with the hiring of the Rev. Erin Jones as LAMPa's new Communications and Advocacy Engagement Manager. A seminarian in the SWPA Synod, Kelly is working on her
LAMPa Policy Council Welcomes the Rev. D. Michael Bennethum
LAMPa's Policy Council welcomes the Rev. D. Michael Bennethum as a representative from Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. Bennethum recently retired as the Director for Evangelical Mission in the synod. Over his 43 years of ordained ministry he has served congregations in Pennsylvania and Georgia as well as on the synod and
LAMPa Welcomes The Rev. Erin Jones to Policy Council
LAMPa's Policy Council welcomes the Rev. Erin Jones as a new representative from Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod. She serves as the pastor of the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community (HMBFC) on the South Side of Pittsburgh. HMBFC is a joint Presbyterian Church (USA) and United Methodist Church congregation, which Erin gladly
LAMPa Policy Council Gathers to Learn, Grow Community
The Laurel Highlands served as a beautiful backdrop for LAMPa's Policy Council retreat at Camp Sequanota in September. The council, which began a new term Sept. 1, heard updates on legislative action and began discussion of possible policy priorities for the next term, based on what they are witnessing in