ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant Applications Open April 1
The application window for 2020 ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants will open April 1. Visit ELCA.org/domestichungergrants to learn more about the grants and how to apply. Due to COVID-19, the deadline for grant applications has been extended to June 1. Organizations applying for an ELCA grant for the first time
ELCA Partners With Census for Neighbor and Ourselves
Our communities are significantly shaped by census data, and Census 2020 will update these numbers for the first time in 10 years. The ELCA is an official partner of the 2020 Census to encourage the most accurate count possible. “Funding for over 100 federal programs, many of which combat poverty
Standing for Protections for LGBTQ Pennsylvanians
Lutheran advocates stood with lawmakers and supporters of protections for LGBTQ Pennsylvanians in the Capitol on Feb. 3 as members of the LGBTQ community and their families shared stories of continued discrimination in housing and employment in Pennsylvania. “I was saddened by all of the heart-rending stories,” said the Rev.
New Resource: “Unpacking White Privilege: The Important Work of Making the Church Less Harmful”
For years, the ELCA has been working to educate and inspire Lutherans to promote fairness and racial equity in our churches, communities and country. At the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, the "Strategy Toward Authentic Diversity in the ELCA" was adopted. This strategy includes a commitment to digging deeper into the history
Bishop Eaton Issues Pastoral Message On Iran
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). The current crisis between the United States and Iran is worrisome for many of us in our church, in our nation and in the world. Our country and Iran need urgently to find ways to resolve
Rick Steves: Why I Support ELCA World Hunger
Hear from travel author, TV host and Lutheran Rick Steves about why he chooses to support ELCA World Hunger. ELCA World Hunger is a recipient of a climate-smart grant from Rick Steves to support its work to fight hunger and poverty around the world. As a partner with ELCA World
ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds to Anti-Semitic Incidents in New York
December 30, 2019 Today is the last day of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. As our Jewish siblings lighted the menorah, they sang this blessing: We kindle these lights because of the wondrous deliverance You performed for our ancestors. During
New Lutheran Advocacy Video Resource Available
A new Lutheran Advocacy video is available for everyone to access and share how we are church together for the sake of the world God loves. In addition to explaining how our faith-rooted advocacy happens, the video also gives disciples tips in how to be advocates, with guidance for conducting
Golden Rule 2020: Add Your Name to Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics
November 3, 2019, marks one year before the national elections. Many churches are demonstrating their concern about the polarization in our country by being part of Golden Rule 2020. The ELCA signed a joint statement of support available at https://www.revivecivility.org/golden-rule-2020-call-dignit. In part the statement says, “We believe that we can
ELCA, Church of Sweden and The Episcopal Church Issue Climate Commitment
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) joins the Church of Sweden and The Episcopal Church in a commitment to work together to advocate for national and international policies that address the urgency of the climate crisis and help create resilient communities while leaving no one behind. This statement is