On the night before his death, Jesus teaches his disciples one final lesson. He models what it means to be a disciple by serving others and washing their feet. He instructs his closest followers that serving God means loving our neighbor and tending to their needs before our own.

Jesus showed his love through direct healing of those who suffered from illness of body, mind or spirit. He witnessed to God’s limitless and abundant love for all, speaking up for the dignity and worth of the oppressed, the poor and the outcast. This call to love through action invites us today to show our love through direct service and advocacy for those who suffer or who are denied dignity.

Today, people of faith in Pennsylvania can love our neighbor in a real and immediate way by helping over half-a-million of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters gain health care coverage through advocating for the expansion of the Medicaid program. We know the cost that the lack of access to health care creates for individuals and communities through delayed treatment, preventable suffering, early death and the high cost of emergency room care.  At this moment of decision, our voices count. Raising our voices to advocate for Governor Corbett to accept an expanded Medicaid on behalf of Pennsylvanians is a demonstration of our commitment to our neighbor’s health and the health of our community.


  •  Sign on to the Faith Community letter calling on Governor Corbett to accept Medicaid Expansion.
  • Write a Letter to the Editor in support of Medicaid Expansion. See this sample and LTE writing guide.
  • Attend the April 24 Faith Community Medicaid Rally at the State Capitol at 1 p.m. in the Rotunda. Contact the LAMPa office for more details.

SERMON STARTERS: The Gospel text for Sunday, April 25th is from John 13, the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet and giving them the great commandment “to love one another as I have loved you”. Use this Sunday’s sermon as an opportunity to include advocacy, in addition to direct service, as a concrete way to serve our neighbors and to take care of their needs. Check back for stories and sermon examples in the week before April 25.

PRAYER PETITION: O God, bless those who hold office in our Commonwealth, that may use their authority to serve faithfully and promote the welfare of all. Help our elected leaders, especially  our  Governor and legislators, to remember that they are called to promote and protect the health and well-being of those who are most vulnerable – the sick, the poor and those without political power. Help us all to act on our baptisms by advocating with and on behalf of those who need our voices.

LINKS TO the Pennsylvania Health Access Network  “Cover the Commonwealth” website and resources.

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