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Make sure you’re registered to vote before the upcoming Pennsylvania primary elections!

The last day to register to vote before the primary is Monday, April 8.

Tuesday, April 23,  is the primary election.

You can register to vote online and find more information about voter registration here. You can also find information about voter registration here.

You can also register to vote by submitting your completed physical voter registration application to your county voter registration office, either by hand or by mail. You can access a blank application here.

If you are on active duty in the military or are a hospitalized or bedridden veteran or another type of overseas voter, you can register to vote and find more information here.

If you already registered to vote in PA but need to update something like your name or address, you can update your voter registration here.

If you’re unsure whether or not you are currently registered to vote in PA or are unsure whether or not your voter registration is up to date, you can check your voter registration status here.

If you are already registered to vote in PA, you can find your polling place here.

If you have any questions, you can call 1.877.VOTESPA (1.877.868.3772).

You can find contact information for your county election officials here.

This page from the Pennsylvania Department of State has more information about upcoming elections.

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