Our Kairos Moment: Active Hope and Agents of Change


In June 2024, the ELCA released “Our Kairos Moment: A Study Guide on Earth’s Climate Crisis.” Over the next four months, Lutherans Restoring Creation will facilitate a study group on this guide during our connections call time, each hour focusing on one part (of four) of the study guide. We hope that by going through […]

Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism

United Lutheran Seminary 61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, PA, United States

Join us for a weekend with Dr.  Lori Brandt Hale, president of the International Bonhoeffer Society - English Language Section AND Amanda Tyler of Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Discover how people of faith can authentically and humbly act at the intersection of civic life and faith, in contrast and response to the forces of Christian […]

LDR Connections to Synods and Congregations


2 hours | Online via Zoom Facilitator: Sean Coffman, Lutheran Disaster Response LDR Connection to Synods and Congregations is designed to help Synods and Congregations understand the different ways to be involved in disaster response. The course identifies the different phases of a disaster and examines disaster’s broader definition, from weather-related events to care for […]

LDR: Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Support Training


Online via Zoom | Learn more and Register Online Registration deadline Friday, March 14. Facilitator: Deacon Dorie Jones The Southeastern Synod, in collaboration with Lutheran Disaster Response, is excited to offer Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Support (MESS) disaster training for clergy and lay leaders. This pilot program being hosted through the Southeastern Synod is designed […]