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Join our partners in the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania for the “Landlord Engagement Virtual Summit: Leveraging Funding Sources for Housing Solutions.” The 2024 summit will be held virtually on June 27 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

As rents, utilities, food, and other basic needs rise faster than incomes, the shortage of affordable housing is growing. Developing a landlord engagement strategy can be an important way to work to end homelessness and ensure all our neighbors live with dignity and a place to call home.

The insightful and interactive summit will focus on harnessing key funding sources to create a lasting landlord engagement strategy in your community. Leaders will be discussing:

  • Best practices in using HUD homelessness funding for landlord engagement.
  • Leveraging existing state resources like PHARE, the state housing trust fund, and Home4Good.
  • Getting the latest updates on HOME ARP administered by the PA Department of Community and Economic Development to fund housing location activities.
  • Getting creative with CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) to fund incentives like home repair programs.

Learn how these resources can be utilized to support effective engagement with landlords, leading to better housing solutions for families overcoming homelessness.


  • Amy Sechrist, Senior Policy Officer, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
  • Brenden Auman, Economic Development Consultant, PA Department of Community & Economic Development
  • Calan Charlton, Vice President, CRA Strategic Program Manager, Truist
  • Joe Savage, Senior Regional Advisor, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
  • Moderator: Gale Schwartz, Associate Director Policy & Programs, Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania

LAMPa is a member of the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania. Let us know if you plan to join! You can send us a message at LAMPa@lutheranadvocacypa.org.

You can register for the event here.

You can find more resources from the Housing Alliance on landlord engagement here.

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