

Proposed Medicaid Would Affect 1.3 Million PA Kids

February 5th, 2025|

The new administration’s proposed spending cuts could threaten 1.3 million Pennsylvania children who are enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP and depend on these programs for access to check-ups, doctor-recommended screenings, vaccinations and much more. Maintaining federal funding for these programs means keeping children safe and healthy, including children with special health

New Report: 2024 State of Children’s Health Finds Uninsured Rates for PA Children Stable, Yet Remains Too High

December 2nd, 2024|

The number of uninsured children in Pennsylvania remains stable following last year's unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage provision, but no progress has been made, according to the 2024 State of Children's Health report by Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children. The report provides the first look at the impact of resuming

Take the LAMPa Network Survey

November 12th, 2024|

As we look forward to 2025 and beyond, LAMPa is ready to accompany you and our ELCA Lutheran ministries across the Commonwealth as we live into our baptismal call to strive for justice and peace. This biennial survey helps us discern where the Holy Spirit is leading us for public

2023-2024 Legislative Session Ends

October 31st, 2024|

The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s 2023-2024 session is coming to an end. While a few session days remain on the calendar, it is unlikely major legislation will get a vote. Several important LAMPa-identified bills and budget priorities passed, yet the majority of priorities and programs that could make improvements in the

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