Bishop Eaton Shares Post Election Message
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton speaks to the church about the election in a video message. The following is the video transcript: Today, the uncertainty of this election is causing anxiety and stress for many, not only in our church, but also across our nation
Save the Date for Lutheran Day 2021 – October 28
As we continue to move through the pandemic, we look forward and invite you to mark your calendar for next year's Lutheran Day at the Capitol as we plan to gather in Harrisburg on Thursday, October 28, 2021. We have moved this annual event from the spring into the fall
Exercise Your Civic Duty and Prepare to Vote
"Christians are called to be stewards of our common life through serving as faithful and active citizens. We live out our mutual responsibility for one another by guaranteeing our neighbor's right to vote and participate freely and fully in society." -- The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the ELCA
PA Council of Churches seeks Executive Director
The Pennsylvania Council of Churches continues its search for an executive director, with a deadline of August 31 for applications. They hope to find “a faithful and resourceful Christian disciple to lead the PCC in addressing the many issues and challenges facing the Christian community today and in the future.”
ELCA Advocacy Introduces “Virtual Visits” Resources
During a time of physical distancing when policy makers are less able to be out in their districts, it is important that constituents take opportunities to communicate their experience and opinions about the heightened public health and economic challenges. There may be something invigorating about walking up to a pillared
Gov. Wolf Signs COVID-19 Response Bills
Governor Tom Wolf signed four bills today to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Pennsylvania that bolster the health care system, benefit workers and schools, and reschedule the 2020 primary election for June 2. These bills were passed earlier this week by the General Assembly following their first-ever remote voting. House
Rally in Capitol March 9 for Stewardship of Creation
"The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it, for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers." Psalm 24: 1 On March 9, join LAMPa and creation care advocates from around the state for a
Senate Poised to Vote on Harmful Environmental Rollbacks
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein." -- Psalm 24:1 The state Senate is expected to vote imminently on harmful environmental rollbacks. Your help is needed TODAY to oppose legislation that would turn back the clock on environmental protection. House Bill 2154
Senate Revenue Package Includes Bad Deal for Environment, Health Care
In the waning days of July, with the House already in recess until September, the state Senate passed a revenue package that for the first time includes a severance tax on Marcellus gas drilling, but trades for weakened regulations on the oil and gas industry and companion attacks on Medicaid.
DEP Hosting Eco-Justice Listening Posts
Here's an opportunity to speak up for those most affected by environmental degradation. The state Department of Environmental Protection is hosting a series of environmental justice listening sessions around the Commonwealth. LAMPa is encouraging advocates to attend and share their stories or accompany and support neighbors suffering from our neglect