Free Certified Legal Translations Available for Asylees
Free certified legal translations for asylees are available through global wordsmiths. Global wordsmiths is a Social Enterprise that provides language translation and interpretation services, as well as language access consulting and training. Every dollar of profit they earn is used to finance their innovative Social Impact Initiatives. The cost
New Resource Available – “The Forgotten Luther II: Reclaiming the Church’s Public Witness”
In this critical time in history, "The Forgotten Luther II: Reclaiming the Church's Public Witness", this volume argues that what is urgently needed is a cogent, clear, biblically based and theologically grounded rationale for the manner in which the church speaks and acts in the political arena. Lured at times
Take Action On the 2020 Census
Pennsylvania is at risk of an undercount in the 2020 Census, and this could mean a significant loss of federal funds for healthcare, nutrition assistance, transportation, housing, education, programs for children and parents, and much more. Pennsylvanians can not afford to put these programs needlessly at risk. That's why every Pennsylvania resident
Lutherans Gather To Set a Welcome Table
Lutherans from across the Commonwealth gathered in the Capital on May 20 to speak up for the hungry, network with statewide advocates, worship, learn about hunger and child nutrition, human trafficking, climate change, prescription drug pricing, the ELCA's proposed Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment with keynote Kathryn Lohre, and more. In
ELCA Student Minister Deported
Betty Rendón, a synodically authorized minister in the Greater Milwaukee Synod, and members of her family were detained by immigration officials May 8. On May 28,Rendón and her husband, Carlos Hincapie, were deported to Colombia, from which they fled civil war in 2004. Her daughter (a DACA recipient) and granddaughter
Bishop Eaton Addresses Well-being of Children in Detention Centers
Children coming to our nation for safety and protection are still dying at our southern border while in U.S. detention. Carlos, a 16-year-old youth from Guatemala, died May 20 in the custody of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Wilmer, a 2-year-old, died May 14,
ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant Applications Open April 15
The application window for 2020 ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants will open April 15. Visit to learn more about the grants and how to apply. Organizations applying for an ELCA grant for the first time are invited to set up an account in ELCA GrantMaker in advance in
Take Action on General Assistance Now
The bill that would end General Assistance (GA) -- HB 33 -- was passed (March 25) by the PA House Health Committee and may move quickly to the House floor for a vote. Please reach out to your local PA House member or other legislators you have a relationship with
2020 Census: April 1, 2019 Day of Action
Join us on Monday, April 1, 2019, to take action on the 2020 Census by contacting your state lawmakers to share with them how important an accurate 2020 Census is to all Pennsylvanians. Without action, Pennsylvania could lose millions in federal funds. An undercount of just one percent would cost
Consequences of an Undercount in the 2020 Census
The 2020 Census will be critically important to the future of Pennsylvania, and even a minor undercount would have dire implications that would last for at least a decade. The Commonwealth receives $26 billion each year in funds that are determined by the Census, including funding for healthcare, infrastructure, housing,