

ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds to Disregard for Human Life and Dignity at Private Detention Facility

September 19th, 2020|

“As Christ on the cross did not lose his dignity, but in fact revealed himself fully in vulnerability, every human who is being mistreated retains the image of God that confers dignity. A society should not deny a person's dignity for any reason.” —ELCA social message “Human Rights,” p. 4 On

Voting Updates: Mail-in and Absentee Ballots; Become a Poll Worker; and Election Security

August 31st, 2020|

As you prepare to vote in the Nov. 3 elections, here are some important updates. Stay tuned for additional updates as we monitor pending legislation in the PA House and Senate regarding voting in Pennsylvania. The deadline to register for the November general election is October 19, 2020. Keep

Accessing “Advocacy Tools for Loving Your Neighbor”

July 15th, 2020|

Our thoughts and prayers inform our actions.  An online training event hosted jointly by the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, "Advocacy Tools for Loving Your Neighbor",  was held July 9. Both Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, plus advocacy leaders from both denominations, participated

Pennsylvania House Leadership Transitions – Rep. Cutler Unanimously Elected Speaker

June 26th, 2020|

A new slate of leaders was elected in the House Republican Caucus following the resignation of former PA House Speaker Mike Turzai, effective June 15. Turzai, who resigned his House seat with five months remaining in his term accepted a position as general counsel for Peoples, a Pittsburgh-based gas

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