LAMPa’s work connects Lutherans to lawmakers. But our mission also connects Lutherans to each other and our neighbors near and far.  It connects faith to public life.  Acts of service to works of justice.  Thoughts and prayers, to action.

The colors of our logo reflect the diversity and beauty of Pennsylvania’s people and regions. The keystone symbolizes not only our state’s role in history, but also the bridging of divides and differences as we work toward the common good in the Commonwealth – with Christ at the center, as both example and sustainer. It reflects a vision that holds the centrality of the cross and the presence of God in all the people and places in our lives – including our shared civic life.

In time of division, we pray that it will be a reminder of our unity in Christ and our common call in baptism to a discipleship that “strives for justice and peace in all the earth.” We hope you will join us as we seek to be Church together in Pennsylvania for the sake of the world God loves.

Explore ways to connect with Lutherans in growing statewide networks on hunger, housing and homelessness, creation care and more.

Find ways to connect your vocation, passion or lived experience to advocacy for a more just Commonwealth.