You are invited to Lutheran Day at the Capitol and LAMPa’s 35th Anniversary Celebration on Tuesday, May 6. Join Lutherans from around the state to focus on our baptismal call to ministry in the public square and the unique voice of Lutheran Christians addressing hunger and poverty.  The day will include worship, a keynote address, a legislative briefing and visit training, workshops, a continental breakfast and lunch. Come to be inspired, prepared and equipped to act on issues that matter.

The keynote speaker is The Hon. Dave Reed, Chair of the House Majority Policy Committee, PA House of Representatives on the recent study and report on “Empowering Opportunities — Gateways out of Poverty”. The evening banquet in the State Capitol Rotunda will include an address by The Rev. Dr. Timothy Wengert, Ministerium of Pennsylvania Professor of the History of Christianity, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (retired) on “God’s Two Hands and the Christian’s Undivided Heart” and features music by “Them Preachers. Lutheran day is sponsored by Lutheran Services in Pennsylvania and Thrivent Financial

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