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United Lutheran Seminary’s Kindling Faith Program hosts Bold Humility: A Model of Accompaniment for Appalachian Ministry, Oct. 26-27. at the Gettysburg campus, 61 Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg. The event is being organized by the Symposium of Evangelical Lutherans in Appalachia (SELA) and the Town and Country Church Institute (TCCI). LAMPa is collaborating on this event.

This rural rostered leaders retreat features the keynote “Bold Humility from Appalachia to Guatemala and Back” with the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Hope-Tringali and an interactive workshop “Depolarization and Church Advocacy: An Introduction” with Silas Kulkarni, Director of Strategy & Advocacy in the ELCA Washigton office, on Friday. (Friday’s session is open to all — not just rostered leaders.)

Breakout conversations include: “How does the pastor/deacon (and their family) exist short or long term in low-income communities?” with the Revs. Jess & Jason Felici; “Women in Appalachian Ministry—What are the Gender-Based Challenges?” with the Rev. Sherri Schafer; “Forms of Nostalgia within Appalachian Ministries” with the Rev. Dr. Martin Otto-Zimmann; and “Mission Trips in Appalachia Do’s & Don’t’s (When You Go and When You Welcome)” with the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Hope-Tringali.

Please see the complete schedule: SELA Fall 23 Event Schedule

Register here for the in-person events at ULS Gettysburg. *

  • PLEASE NOTE: The in-person interactive depolarization workshop at ULS on Friday is open to all, not just rostered leaders. 

The Depolarization training will be offered again as an online interactive workshop from 2-4:30 p.m. on November 8.  Register here for the online workshop.  

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