Sign up for LAMPa’s monthly E-News, and get updates on issues and Action Alerts.

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LAMPa makes it a little easier for you to make your voice heard as a person of faith. Our Legislative Alert Center can also help you find out who your elected officials are and contact them about any issue of concern to you, look up current legislation, or even send an e-mail to your local newspaper or other media outlet. You will receive occasional Advocacy Action Alerts about important and timely issues, with links you can use to send messages to your elected officials. You can also check the Legislative Action Center for ELCA Washington Office updates and alerts. Joining LAMPa’s ACTIONET is the best way to know when your voice can make a critical difference for the most vulnerable of our Pennsylvania neighbors.

Interested in a few specific issues?

LAMPa convenes several groups to focus on specific issues. These groups meet periodically by phone and plan and host training and resource events. Current groups are the LAMPa Immigration Leadership Circle and the Care for Creation Circle.