state budget

state budget

PA Budget Still Pending After Deadline

July 1st, 2024|

The June 30th constitutional deadline for the 2024-25 budget has come and gone, but both Senate Republican leadership and Governor Shapiro have expressed optimism that final negotiations will be reached soon. Governor Shapiro's proposed $48.3 billion budget includes several ambitious proposals around affordable housing, health care, and education equity. It

Act 1 Creates New Rental and Utility Assistance Program To Disburse Millions in Federal Aid

February 8th, 2021|

On Friday, Feb.  5, Gov. Tom Wolf signed into law SB109, now known as Act 1,  directing more than $900 million in federal pandemic aid to struggling businesses, private schools, landlords and tenants unable to meet rent or utility bills because of economic downturn related to the failure to stop the spread

Latest COVID-19 Relief Bill Includes Emergency Housing Provisions

January 7th, 2021|

The latest COVID-19 Relief Bill was signed into law on December 27, 2020. The $900 billion COVID-relief package includes housing provisions such as $25 billion in emergency rental assistance and an extension of the CDC's federal eviction moratorium through January 31st. The relief bill will provide essential and desperately needed

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