LAMPa Releases 2025-2027 Policy Agenda
The PA General Assembly runs on a biennial basis. LAMPa's Policy Council sets a policy agenda before each session begins and revises as necessary midway through the term. Below are the policy priorities and issue areas LAMPa will be focused on in as we begin this session. Other priorities
Gov. Shapiro’s Proposed Budget Supports Investments in Hunger, Housing, Education
Gov. Josh Shapiro this week proposed a $51.5 billion spending plan that includes increases in several LAMPa priority areas, including hunger, housing, education equity and violence prevention, while calling for an increased minimum wage and proposing changes intended to spur energy production. The budget proposal would tap about $4.5 billion
Presiding Bishop Eaton Issues Statement on Immigration Executive Orders
“When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the native-born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord
Presiding Bishop Eaton Issues Pastoral Message on Executive Orders
Dear church, On Monday, our nation witnessed the peaceful transfer of power central to our democracy, followed by sweeping actions by the incoming Trump administration. Facing such changes, we receive guidance through Martin Luther's words in the Large Catechism. In the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer, where we pray
A Pastoral Message from the ELCA Bishops of Pennsylvania
Advent 2024: A Season of Waiting and Hope Dear Pennsylvania Lutherans and Partners in Ministry, As we begin the season of Advent, we are reminded of the holy call to wait with hope and expectation. In this time of preparation, we recall the promise of God’s presence among us—Emmanuel, God with us—and
Love Anyway Feasts Take Place Across PA
At Lutheran Day in May, LAMPa announced we would be seeding 10 “Love Anyway Feasts” as part of a grant to do peacebuilding in Pennsylvania. As a program designed to bring people from a diversity of backgrounds around a common table to share a meal and enter into deeper relationship
Misinformation and disinformation undermine not only confidence in elections, but also the trust needed to govern ourselves in a democracy. Knowing that spreading falsehoods can lead to very real harm to our neighbor, we should strive to be trustworthy in all that we share. At LAMPa, this is always our
ELCA Conference of Bishops Emphasizes the Need to Speak the Truth
In a perfect garden, created by God for the sake of humanity, evil entered in the form of deception and lies. Christians refer to this story, found in the biblical book of Genesis, as the fall of humanity. This foray into human sin began when Adam and Eve, the first
Get a Bonhoeffer T-Shirt: Support LAMPa
Have you been loving our Bonhoeffer curriculum? Are you coming to Hope in a Divided World with Dr. Brandt Hale, president of the International Bonhoeffer Society - English Language Section? Are you concerned with narratives that seek to co-opt Bonhoeffer's life and legacy while ignoring his own words and commitments?
Announcing Isaiah 58:12 Fellows for 2024-2025
LAMPa is pleased to announce two fellows for the Isaiah 58:12 Fellowship for 2024-2025! Annamary Oslikova and Liliyana Beck will begin their projects in their congregations and communities to further racial justice and reconciliation. Annamary Oslikova, member of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Waynesboro, is beginning her project, “Racial Disparities In