Artist Freiman Stoltzfus generously donated his painting The Table for auction to benefit LAMPa’s ministry in 2019.

Our plans for the piece were interrupted by the pandemic, when it became clear that it should be shared during this special anniversary year as part of our co-celebration with ELCA World Hunger, our partner in work toward a just world, where all are fed.

“I did this painting for the 2015 Mennonite World Conference in Harrisburg, PA. I especially thought of my father Gideon, who practiced lifelong, radical hospitality in ways that still surprise and humble me. At our table and inn, guests of all colors and creeds could be found from around the world: the rich and poor, the educated and the self-taught, people of faith and people of doubt. Creating this work reminded me of the best parts of my heritage, and that the practice of hospitality is a lifelong opening of heart, mind, and home. I’ve often fallen short of this ideal, and look forward to extending our table as we begin to gather again.”

This vision echoes our own hope for building tables of hospitality, inclusion, and justice as we serve as church together, for the sake of the world God loves.

An auction of the original (36″ x 24″ – acrylic on canvas) artwork will conclude our gala. Bids will be accepted in person and online. Join the auction here.

A limited number of signed high-quality art prints are available for order now and can be picked up at Lutheran Day or mailed. (A beautiful gift for seminary graduations, ministry celebrations, ordination anniversaries and retirements!)

Any prints not claimed in the pre-order will be available for sale on May 9.

Music By ARTolerance

Udi Bar David, cellist with the Philadelphia Orchestra, is joined by master bandoneonist Shinjoo Cho in a cross-cultural musical presentation from the Middle East to South America with a special surprise tribute inspired by “The Table” by Freiman Stoltzfus.

ARTolerance’s mission is to advance the role of the arts in dialogues, transcend communication boundaries and explore common ground, through performances, events, conferences and workshops.

Gala Sponsors

Help Us Set a Welcome Table!

As a Gala Sponsor you help to underwrite scholarships and to keep this event affordable for many. Contributors will receive two tickets to the Gala and a painting preview reception with artist Freiman Stoltzfus. Portions of this contribution may be tax deductible.