

ELCA Releases Draft Social Message on Gun-Related Violence and Trauma

October 20th, 2023|

The ELCA is developing a social message about gun-related violence and trauma. Social messages are ELCA teaching documents that draw from existing social teaching but throw a fuller and sharper spotlight on a particular social issue. The draft’s themes focus on trauma, public health, and an ethic of shared responsibility

God’s Love Made Real — Help Discern The Kind of Church That God Is Calling Us To Be

September 6th, 2023|

The ELCA is entering a time of discernment about where God is calling us as a Church. Future Church: God’s Love Made Real is the campaign shaping that discernment, in partnership with the research expertise of the Barna Group and Fuller Seminary.  You are invited to be part of

Upper Susquehanna Synod Appoints Rev. Justin Lingenfelter to LAMPa’s Policy Council

September 1st, 2023|

Bishop Craig Miller has appointed the Rev. Justin Lingenfelter to represent Upper Susquehanna Synod on  LAMPa’s Policy Council. Lingenfelter serves as the pastor at United In Christ Lutheran Church in Lewisburg, PA and as the current interim pastor for Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lewisburg. Justin and his wife,

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