Pastor Lydia Posselt, who serves Family of God in Buckingham, is thrilled and honored to be joining LAMPa’s policy council as a representative from the Southeastern Pennsylvania synod, where she has served for about a year. In her first year at Family of God, she noticed that for a small church, her members are always collecting funds and giving their time for many different hunger related ministries, She is excited to help her congregation connect their faith to their public lives as justice advocates for the people they help feed.

A Wisconsin native, she graduated from Luther Seminary in Minneapolis MN. During her time there, she became heavily involved with advocacy work for the first time through Bread for the World, a national ecumenical movement that focuses on writing letters to change polices. “It seems like a little thing, to write letters to our representatives,” she recalls. “And yet, it is an act of faith, with big positive impacts. It left an impression on me, and I have been interested in doing this ever since.” Since then, she has participated in local versions of Lutheran Day at the Capitol in both Minnesota and New Jersey, in addition to learning about other advocacy opportunities in her new context in the suburbs of Philadelphia. She takes to heart that all people are beloved by God, and we best love our neighbor by working toward a world where all are cared for.

In her free time, Lydia likes to read, watch movies, play guitar, spoil her cats, travel, try new restaurants, and shop local and fair trade whenever possible, which she considers a small but important practice in working toward the economic justice of the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Posselt offered Lutherans from around the world a message of hope in her sermon at the closing worship of the Twelfth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) last year. Click here to read her sermon.

Photo of Lydia Posselt by Albin Hillert

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