What is public policy advocacy?

Public policy is the way we govern our communities through laws and administrative rules. Public policy advocacy is a way of loving our neighbors as ourselves by helping shape public policy in ways that will affect their lives for the better.

What is an advocate?

An advocate is anyone who cares enough about the good of his or her community and its members to speak up on their behalf. And advocate does not have to be an “expert” or “political activist”, only someone who takes seriously the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. An advocate learns about issues affecting the community and expresses his or her views and concerns to the appropriate policy makers, building relationships with them through regular contact.

What is a faith-based advocate?

Faith-based advocacy begins with the baptismal call “to strive for justice and peace in all the earth”.  It is discipleship that builds upon Lutheran theology and service ministry that speaks for justice on behalf of our neighbor and all creation.

Why should I be an advocate?

  • An advocate is a good steward of the gift of citizenship in a democracy

  • An advocate is a faithful witness to God’s vision for a just, peaceful and healthy world

  • An advocate is a loving neighbor to those whose lives are impacted by public policies – especially the most vulnerable among us

How can I be an advocate?

Most public policy advocacy involves telling elected officials about your support for, opposition to, or ideas for a specific piece of legislation. This can be done by a call, letter, email or through an office visit or public hearing. It is also increasingly done through social media.

What is ELCA advocacy?

ELCA advocacy ministry speaks for biblical values: peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. Lutherans believe advocacy is a public witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ where the Church speaks with and on behalf of others in need. ELCA advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs, and projects around the world and in communities across the United States. The advocacy office takes position consistent with ELCA social policy language and with reference to this church’s membership in ecumenical and international bodies.